For Sellers (Vendors):

“I’m spending so much time working in the business, that there’s not enough time to work on the business” – we have all heard this expression before.

If you are realistic, it probably applies to your own business. This doesn’t mean you are not working hard enough, its just that real life gets in the way of our best intentions.

At acquire business brokers we realise that there is a difference between wanting to sell a business and having a business ready for sale.

That’s why we offer Business Consultancy services for Vendors.

Put simply, Vendors Consultancy is a review where we look at your business from the eyes of a prospective buyer and help determine if the business is in a fit state for a willing and capable buyer to make a genuine offer to purchase.

acquire business brokers will work with you to ensure your business presents in the best possible condition, that is:

  • Your trading results reflect positive performance, growth and best practice;
  • Your Policies and Procedures are in place and are followed/understood by all your staff;
  • Your business assets can operate at their peak performance and that will be sustainable into the near future; &
  • Your presentation of the business premises reflects the image you wish to portray to your clients.

It can be the case when a full review is conducted, the results may suggest now is not the right time to sell your business, rather now is the time to implement action that will make the business sales ready in the near future.

This action could include additional revenue (through price increases or greater market penetration) or reduce costs (through increased productivities and efficiencies), or even a “facelift” to the premises, the assets and the public presentation of the business.

acquire business brokers will work with you and support you throughout the review process ensuring that your eventual business sale will return the best possible outcome for you as a Vendor.

For Buyers (Purchasers):

“I’ve seen a business that I think would be just what I want to own – but I have no idea where to start.”

We all have aspirations, but we’re not all sure we know how to go about achieving them.

At acquire business brokers we realise that not all prospective purchasers are 100% ready to become business owners.

That’s why we offer Business Consultancy services for Purchasers.

Put simply, Purchasers Consultancy is a review where we look at your current experience and expertise to determine if your chosen acquisition is the right fit for you now, or whether you need to further develop your skill set to match the business needs.

acquire business brokers will work with you to ensure:

  • You understand that the skill sets required for a service-based business can be very different from those of a retail-based business and that few people have experience in both. It is however quite possible to learn the additional skills required;
  • That you develop an understanding of the requirements in operating your selected business, and that you seek additional qualified professional assistance where necessary (be that legal opinions, financial planning or accounting practise);
  • You develop a business plan that will enable you to not only commence trading but also provide a guide to the ongoing development of the business; &
  • That you are aware of the financial resources required to purchase and operate the business and list options for you to further investigate if required.

It can be the case when a full review is conducted, that you may need to undertake industry-specific training or seek additional on the job experience before you are ready to purchase your chosen business.

This action could include additional education courses or part-time work within your field of choice and acquire business brokers may be able to assist in locating these.

acquire business brokers will work with you and support you throughout the review process ensuring that your eventual business acquisition will return the best possible outcome for you as a Purchaser.